Why build your home with Hemp Panel System?


All Hemp Panel System panels come with a 10 year material warranty.


Our team of professionals can work with your architect or engineers to ensure smooth delivery of your project.


Building with Hemp Panel System saves you time and money. Complete your house in record time while drastically reducing labor costs.


We are properly certified to meet your project's directives.


Hempcrete is a net positive for the environment, and sustainably produced.


Build a safer, healthier home with Hemp Panel System! Hypoallergenic, resistant to pests, mold, moisture, and fire.


ThermaSteel panels are the best panel system in the world. All galvanized steel structure. Highly insulated and non-toxic. Earthquake and hurricane safe.
Why Build Your Project With Hemp Panel System?

Whether your house is in warm Florida or cold Michigan, you want to save on energy bills and have a quiet, energy efficient home. Hemp Panel System’s super-insulated Ext. Panels technology, custom manufactured M-SIP / S-SIP thermally broken panels have super insulation performance, as high R-61. The result is significant. You can decrease the energy required to heat and cool your home by up to 75%.

Save big time. Panels arrive on-site ready to install. No additional structure, No insulation, No sheathing, and no vapor barrier are required: Four steps accomplished with each Ext. Panel put in place. Save on multiple material shipments and reduce your labor from four or even five trades to only one framer.

Our panels are like big building blocks, arriving marked and with all required accessories, even track and screws. Our drawings are labeled so that all you need to do is “drop in place” and fasten. We follow the construction and framing industry, using studs every 16″. So, if you are a handy man, and have some framing experience as a carpenter or in framing, training time is less than 2 hours.

Quick and fast install – there is no special training required, nor power tools except for a screw gun. Install process is very quick. An average house is usually completed within 3 days (Exterior interior and roof panels) can be done by one framer and 2 helpers.

If your project is Net-Zero or a Passive House, utilizing natural energy such as solar panels, due to the high efficiency of Hemp Panel System Ext. Panels, the energy requirement is less, resulting in less solar panels, which are more effective and your batteries last longer, saving initial investment costs and providing higher power output that can be then sold back to the grid in most locations.

Safety: Flame Spread and Smoke Development tests show that Hemp Panel System Ext. Panels are one of the safest ways to build, saving on home owners insurance cost. More so, the panels are not off-gassing, carcinogens, pathogens, or allergens, resulting in a completely safe and heathy environment especially for kids sleeping long nights inhaling indoor air.

Not a source of food for pests: Insects such as termites like to invade and live where they feed. Because Hemp Panel System Ext. Panels offer no attraction as a food source, building with Hemp Panel System instead of wood is the best way to ensure pest-free living. If your project is in a termite zone – by using Panels you are safer. And, you’ve just eliminated the need for termite-killing poisons around your living area.

If your project is on the coast, or in a Hurricane zone, our panels are rated and tested for the Miami Dade Hurricane wind and projectile protocol.

Wood-based products have vulnerability to moisture, mold, and mildew. Hemp Panel System panels are made of steel and EPS insulation, making them resistant to fungi and molds. So build a home with our S-SIP / M-SIP panels and be worry-free.

We are pioneers in Eco-Friendly manufacturing. Our production facility is 100% recycled, waste free. Even our Light Gauge Studs consist of up to 20% recycled steel.

If your project is in an earthquake zone – you are safe with us. Hemp Panel System panels weigh on average 45 pounds each (4′ by 12′), being so light means they will not vibrate in a seismic event and will not crack. We have even tested and certified for Richter scale magnitude 9 earthquakes, from Russian lab tests.

425 year life expectancy.  How often do you see stick-built homes being torn down? The majority are less than 50 years old!

Flexibility of design – if your project has curved walls, round windows – we have seen it and done it before. We have developed a technology that is literally limitless! Hemp Panel System Panels arrive ready to assemble with all hardware included. All of the rough openings for windows and doors are pre-fabricated, made to meet the specifications of each window and door manufacturer. No measuring, no cutting, no scrap, no foam.



Easy to read, customized “for your project” assembly drawings are furnished with each project. Each numbered panel on the drawing corresponds to the number written on each panel. Your assembly drawings are available several weeks before your panels arrive, so there is plenty of time to become familiar with the instructions and diagrams, and to call us with any questions. Every 6 Panels are bundled up according to the wall line up of your project.

What about electricity and plumbing? every panel comes with 1″ x 2″ wire raceways 11″ from the bottom so you don’t need to drill studs. Cutting out the foam for plumbing is easy and can be done with a pocketknife of a hot knife cutter. Electrical boxes are attached to the studs as usual.

What's the catch?

The former drawbacks of hemp were its time-consuming construction, and its inability to function as a load-bearing wall on its own. These issues have been solved with our steel-framed prefabricated panels.

These panels have the strength and easy construction of steel, with the long list of benefits of hempcrete. Hempcrete projects are popping up all over the world for its sustainability and strength as a building material.